The Transcendental Meditation technique is an effortless meditation practice that’s taught one-to-one, evidence-based, & guaranteed.

Our consultants are former business professionals experienced with what it takes to implement a wide-spread consistent practice to your business to address burn-out while improving creativity, workplace relationships, and productivity.

This website is being provided for general educational purposes only and not as personal medical advice. The Transcendental Meditation technique is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding any medical condition. While research shows strong statistical evidence of the benefits and efficacy of the Transcendental Meditation technique in a wide set of fields, the results that any individual may actually receive cannot be predicted or promised.

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Transcendental Meditation for work

Bring inner peace, clarity, & wellness to your business



Deep inner calm

A Stanford University meta-analysis found that the TM technique is 95% more effective for stress and anxiety.

Source: Journal of Clinical Psychology

Greater creativity

The TM technique produces a 68% increase in creativity as measured by the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking.

Source: Journal of Creative Behavior

Employees practicing the TM technique experience 3.4 times greater improvement in co-worker relationships.

Source: Academy of Management Journal

Better relationships

Contact usLearn more about the TM course & course fee >

TM course schedule 

Session 1: In-person one-on-one instruction
On day one, you'll learn the essentials of TM and meditate for the first time. Afterward, you'll discuss your experience with your instructor, who will help you evaluate and refine your new practice.

Sessions 2-4: In-person or online classes
Each of these classes will include a meditation with your instructor, as well as further instruction on the dos and don’ts of correct practice, discussion, and feedback on your experiences.

Additional remote monthly sessions can be scheduled for an agreed upon number of months following TM instruction. Individual or small group TM tune-ups are available and can be arranged between the local TM instructors and participants.

TM course fee 

The TM course fee is $780 per employee. The fee covers the full course described above, plus a lifetime of support with any US TM center. The Satisfaction Guarantee is included as specified in the TM for Work agreement.  

For TM instruction at the business's site, the TM instructor's time and travel costs may be an additional charge.