Discounted TM fee for your patients:

Once you enroll in the TM Health Professionals Program (TMHPP), the patients/clients whom you recommend to learn the TM® technique will be eligible to learn TM at a discounted professional rate.

The standard TM course fee for adults is income-based. The standard course fee ranges from $420 to $980 depending upon the individual’s annual household income. Full-time students and children pay $420 regardless of household income.  With your referral, your patient will be eligible for a $40 discount off the standard course fee for their income category.

The TM course fee includes:

Additional scholarship support may be available for individuals with particular financial need. They are encouraged to visit to locate their nearest TM Center and discuss their financial situation with the certified TM teachers at the Center.

To refer your patients or clients to learn the TM technique, simply write “Transcendental Meditation” on a signed prescription or letterhead stationery for them to bring to the TM Center.


For further information, visit