TM Course Fee

Annual Household Income (AHI)? TM Course Fee with Free Lifetime Support
Receiving federal assistance? Ask us about partial grant support
Less than $50,000 $135 x 4 months
$50,000 - $99,000 $195 x 4 months
$100,000 - $199,000 $220 x 4 months
$200,000 or more $245 x 4 months
Full-time students? $105 x 4 months
Annual Household Income (AHI)? TM Course Fee with Free Lifetime Support
Receiving federal assistance? Ask us about partial grant support
Less than $50,000 $540
$50,000 - $99,000 $780
$100,000 - $199,000 $880
$200,000 or more $980
Full-time students? $420

Honor system

We won’t ask you for evidence of your household income. We’re a non-profit providing support for at-risk children, vets with PTSD, and many others in need. We rely on your integrity.

We're a non-profit

As a non-profit organization, we've always been committed to making the TM technique and its benefits available to as many people as possible.

Now more than ever, people need a technique for inner peace and wellness — so we're now offering a new nationwide income-based pricing plan. We also offer partial grant support to deserving individuals in need.