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“It changes your life, completely.”
Hugh Jackman
Award Winning Actor
Archived Issues: To view previous issues of TM News for Health Professionals, click here.
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to offer the first edition of TM News for Health Professionals, a publication for doctors, nurses and other health professionals. You’ll find the latest research, case histories and news on the Transcendental Meditation® technique and its application in a health care setting for prevention and treatment of stress-related disorders. You’ll also read about professionals like yourself, who are experiencing less stress and greater productivity through the practice of TM® and are helping their patients grow in health and well-being. I hope you enjoy it!
Stuart Rothenberg, M.D.
National Director, TM Health Professionals Program
American Heart Association Report Cites the Transcendental Meditation Technique to Lower Blood Pressure
It is common for patients to ask, “Is there a way I can treat my blood pressure without medication?” Until 2013 there had not been a critical review or statement by an authoritative cardiology body on non-pharmacologic, non-dietary ways to improve blood pressure. That was the year the American Heart Association issued the report “Beyond Medications and Diet—Alternative Approaches to Lowering Blood Pressure: A Scientific Statement from the AHA” to inform physicians which alternative approaches have been shown by research to be effective. Read More >
Referring Patients to Learn TM
How can my patients learn TM? The TM technique is taught only by certified TM teachers who provide one-on-one instruction to ensure successful effortless practice. When you recommend the TM technique, your patients will receive a professional discount of $160 on the TM course fee. Free lifetime follow-up and support is included.
If you are already enrolled and would like to refer patients to learn TM at the discounted rate, simply write “TM instruction” on a signed prescription blank or office letterhead. You will also receive personalized vouchers that you can use for this purpose.
To locate the TM Center and teachers nearest to you, visit