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Report by the American
Heart Association
AHA: TM is the only meditation shown to lower blood pressure

The Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique has been documented to be effective for treating and preventing stress-related conditions, including anxiety, insomnia, post-traumatic stress, hypertension, and other disorders caused or exacerbated by stress.
What’s the evidence?
Over 400 peer-reviewed published studies have documented the TM technique's effectiveness for stress-related conditions, cognitive function, and more. See highlights of recent published studies.
The American Heart Association reported that the TM technique is the only meditation practice shown to lower blood pressure, leading to substantially reduced rates of death, heart attack and stroke. See summary of AHA Scientific Statement.
How can my patients learn TM?
The TM technique is taught only by certified TM teachers who provide one-on-one instruction to ensure successful effortless practice.
When you recommend the TM technique, you can tell your patients that there is income-based pricing so the TM course is affordable to almost everyone. Free lifetime follow-up and support are included.
What is the TM technique?
It’s a simple, natural technique practiced 20 minutes twice each day while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed.
The TM technique is easy to learn and enjoyable to practice, and is not a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle. Over six million people have learned it — people of all ages, cultures, and religions.
What happens when you meditate?
The TM technique allows your mind to easily settle inward, through quieter levels of thought, until you experience the most silent and peaceful level of your own awareness — pure consciousness. This is known as automatic self-transcending.
Can anyone practice TM?
Yes, because it’s so easy. Unlike other forms of meditation, TM practice involves no concentration, no control of the mind, no contemplation, no monitoring of thoughts.
Even children with ADHD and soldiers with PTSD can do it. That’s because the TM technique effortlessly allows the active mind to settle down to a state of inner calm.
What stress-related conditions has TM been found effective for?
Peer-reviewed published studies have found a wide range of conditions improved by TM practice, including:
- chronic stress
- anxiety
- mood disorders
- insomnia
- hypertension
- heart disease
What can I tell my patients about TM?
- The TM technique is the most thoroughly documented mental technique for relieving stress and its effects on physical and mental health
- The National Institutes of Health has provided over $25 million in grant support for research on the benefits of TM and cardiovascular health
- Over 1.5 million people have learned the TM technique in the U.S., providing substantial clinical experience with the technique
- Thousands of U.S. physicians and other health professionals have found the TM technique to be a valuable adjunct to their clinical practices
Am I eligible?
If your practice is in any of these areas, you are eligible:
- Medical doctors
- Dentists
- Doctors of osteopathy
- Doctors of oriental medicine
- Naturopathic doctors
- Chiropractors
- Clinical psychologists
- Educational psychologists
- Licensed psychological counselors
- Licensed clinical social workers
- Nurse practitioners
- Nurses
- Physician assistants
- Licensed acupuncturists
- Licensed marriage and family therapists
- Licensed physical therapists
- Licensed massage therapists
- Certified health coaches