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- Information on TM research and webinars

Mark Ellinger, Psy.D.
"After meditating for many years using a different meditation technique, I switched to TM in October 2013. The results were immediate and cumulative. The alpha-1 EEG neurological state documented in the TM research is delicious and rejuvenating. It draws you back twice daily and makes TM so easy to do. My TM practice has been very beneficial, both personally and professionally.
"Professionally speaking, Dr. Rebecca Ellinger and I have referred numerous patients to learn TM. The majority have found great benefit and it has enhanced the psychotherapy process. Our patients who practice TM are neurologically calmer and more clear thinking, so therapy is more efficient.
"For people with anxiety or PTSD, TM helps calm the sympathetic nervous system so we can provide cognitive therapy more effectively. In some cases, patients are able to just let go of the anxious thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I think this could put us out of business! With that said, the combination of TM and psychological treatment is both subtle and profound.
"We have found TM effective with children and adolescents as well as adults. We will continue to utilize this easy, invaluable tool of TM."