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Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum
Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum is a cardiologist and Director of Women’s Heart Health at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. She is spokesperson for the American Heart Association’s Go Red Women campaign, author of Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum’s Heart Book: Every Woman’s Guide to a Heart Healthy Life, and host of the Focus On Health TV series. She practices the Transcendental Meditation technique and regularly recommends it to her patients.
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Dear Colleagues,
As health practitioners, we don’t need to be reminded that stress is a factor in 80 percent of disease. Doctors and nurses report that more and more patients are looking to them for guidance in finding a natural way to reduce their stress loads. The TM technique has been shown in research to be twice as effective as other self-development techniques for reducing stress, which is why many prominent practitioners feel confident in recommending it to their patients. We hope you’ll feel inspired by this issue’s featured interview with Norman Rosenthal, M.D., who explains how TM helps reduce stress for disease prevention and recovery.
Stuart Rothenberg, M.D.
National Director, TM Health Professionals Program
Try A Surge Protector against Stress
An Interview with Psychiatrist and Best-selling Author Norman Rosenthal, M.D.
Norman Rosenthal, M.D., is a clinical professor of psychiatry at Georgetown Medical School and led the research team that first described Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and its treatment. He is a former Senior Researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health and author of the New York Times best-seller Transcendence: Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation. Dr. Rosenthal explains how the experience of transcendence during the practice of TM can help eliminate the buildup of stress and improve health.
MEDLINE PLUS (NIH/US National Library of Medicine)—Transcendental Meditation May Help Relieve PTSD and Reduce Need for Meds, Study Says
Transcendental meditation may help ease post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in some soldiers and seems to reduce their need for medication, a new study finds.
How can my patients learn TM? The TM technique is taught only by certified TM teachers who provide one-on-one instruction to ensure successful, effortless practice. When you recommend the TM technique, your patients will receive a professional discount of $160 on the TM course fee. Free lifetime follow-up and support is included.
If you would like to be eligible to refer your patients to learn the TM technique at the discounted rate, please complete the simple sign-up form at If you are already enrolled and would like to refer patients to learn TM at the discounted rate, simply write “TM instruction” on a signed prescription blank or office letterhead. You will also receive personalized vouchers that you can use for this purpose.
For more information and to contact the TM Health Professionals Association, email us at or call (844) 733-3786. To locate the TM Center and teachers nearest to you, visit