How is Transcendental Meditation different

Transcendental Meditation®

Why TM?

What TM is and what
it can do for you  

ABC Good Morning America

What did they say
about TM?  

(video 3:57)

Proven Effective for
stress and anxiety

Stanford research:
TM is twice as effective  

How do I learn TM?

Course description
and steps to learn  


Reduced for adults,
students, and couples  

Take the First Step

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near you and learn more

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What’s the evidence?

A summary of studies from
Harvard, Stanford, and more  

Is TM really easy
to practice?

Ellen DeGeneres shares her experience  

American Heart

AHA: TM is the only meditation
found to lower blood pressure  

How is TM different?

Different forms of meditation
produce very different results  


The long-term benefits of TM  

“An island of calm”

Paul McCartney  


Bob Roth, Director
David Lynch Foundation (20:44)  


John Hagelin, PhD
Quantum Physicist (16:40)  

More Videos  

TM Blog  

How is Transcendental
Meditation different?

The TM® technique differs from other techniques in three
important ways:

TM and transcending
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Is TM really effortless?
Bob Roth

1. Effortless

Unlike other techniques, the TM technique involves no concentration, contemplation or control of your mind. It is effortless and enjoyable, and can be practiced sitting comfortably in a chair.

2. Evidence-based

Over 380 published research studies on the TM technique have documented a wide range of wellness benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety, and improved heart health and cognitive function.

3. Standardized for effectiveness

Every certified TM teacher ensures consistent effectiveness in your results by providing standardized instruction in TM.

The Transcendental Meditation technique is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding any medical condition. Individual results may vary.

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