Can you offer us more understanding of the “settled state” of mind? Why is it so important?
Maharishi: The settled state is where we find the principle of least action, through which natural law operates. It is important because it is the fundamental level of life. Read more
Download for Good: Music That Changes the World, a unique compilation album featuring music spanning across genres and generations, was released this week. The list of participating musicians is staggering, including… Read more
Veterans of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars showed a 50 percent reduction in their symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after just eight weeks of practicing the stress-reducing…
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The Sunday New York Times carried a lengthy feature highlighting America’s rising interest in the Transcendental Meditation program. The article noted that this popularity has been spurred, in part, by the outspoken support offered by meditating celebrities, such as award-winning filmmakers David Lynch, Clint Eastwood, and Martin Scorsese. Read more
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Veterans, medical doctors, researchers, and celebrities came together at the Paley Center for Media in midtown Manhattan on December 13 to support the David Lynch Foundation’s launch of Operation Warrior Wellness. The outreach aims at providing funds to teach the Transcendental Meditation technique to 10,000 veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder—PTSD—and their families. See video post
The Wall Street Journal reported on November 26 that Hollywood directors David Lynch, Clint Eastwood, Martin Scorsese, and George Lucas have mobilized together to support “Operation Warrior Wellness”— a new nationwide initiative to help 10,000 veterans overcome PTSD through the Transcendental Meditation technique. Read more
Abraham Shainberg is the son of Holocaust survivors. His parents were from Warsaw, Poland, and they immigrated to America through different routes before raising their family the Lower East Side of New York. His father served as Rabbi of the First Warshauer Congregation for 27 years. Read more
Before you read this, take a few minutes to watch the short video in the post about the Transcendental Meditation program in an Oregon prison. Just take the time and watch it. Then read what I have to say. See video post
During an international news conference held in 2007 from Maharishi European Research University in Holland, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi answered a question from a reporter on the widespread practice of physical yoga postures, which has become a trend throughout the world. Maharishi was asked his advice for people who practice this physical form of Yoga. Read more
Filmmaker David Lynch, founder of the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace, was featured this week on FRANCE 24, a government-funded international news and current affairs television channel in France. The interview came in response to David’s offer to support the French government’s effort to reduce Read more
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