Writer Michael J Dougherty reflects on a long struggle with anxiety symbolized by an “angry dog” and how the TM technique brought profound transformation, leading to inner peace and renewed creativity. Read more >

What I’ve Learned From Three Years Of Daily Transcendental Meditation
Writer JB Minton chronicles his exploration of the TM technique over three years highlighting his personal transformation and the TM technique’s simplicity, efficacy and universal relevance. Read more >

A Life Hack For Leaders
A profoundly life changing experience from a former police officer and current Executive Director of an educational nonprofit organization. Read more >

6 Reasons to Learn Transcendental Meditation ASAP
“Practice Transcendental Meditation for 20 minutes, twice a day, to help you lose weight, thrive at work, and ward off heart disease.” Read more >
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Bob Roth & “Accessing Inner Calm” on ABC News
“If we don’t have a few minutes in the morning and the afternoon to allocate for our own physical and mental health and wellbeing … I think we may need to reprioritize.” – Bob Roth, speaking to ABC News’ Mary Bruce. Watch >

Tools to Heal Broken Relationships and Live Healthier Lives
“My goal is to make TM a fundamental part of our wellness platform in the same way that nutrition, exercise, and education are… It might sound strange to some people, but so did jogging and eating organic. They’re not fads now.” Read more >

The Pleasant Parallels of TM and Day-To-Day Life
I am now four years into my TM practice and can say that the parallels between the act of meditation and how best to lead a happy, healthy and wealthy life are… I don’t know if I have a word to describe it but, maybe, two words… Read more >

A Journalist’s Story of Addiction & Recovery
Rocky Mountain PBS journalist, Dana Knowles, shares her story of addiction, recovery and passion for telling her story. Read more >

My Life Without Meditation
Life coach Karlie Everhart shares what life is like when she lets her daily meditation routine slide, and what how she feels when she gets back into it.

Confessions of an Artist: Brandon Locher
Brandon Locher is a multimedia artist and music producer who currently lives and works in New York, NY. Since 2006 he’s had more than 60 releases under various names and artistic media, including audio recordings, visual art, multimedia art, and sound art. He’s been practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique for the past two years. Here’s what we learned about his creative work and how his TM practice enriches his life. Read more >