My Secret for Nourishing the Mind, Body, and Soul

By Teri-Ann Coombes

I’m a nutritionist, health consultant, and life coach, but life didn’t always look like this.

Before I started the Transcendental Meditation technique (or as most call it, TM), I was your typical mid-twenties lady, trying to make her way in life. I was single and lonely and looking for love in the wrong places. I didn’t have self confidence or self love to empower me to make choices that would leave me feeling fulfilled.

Until one day I was let go from my camp job. I had no money to show for the 6 months of work. I had spent it all on clothes I never wore, people who didn’t appreciate me, and hangovers that only made me feel worse. When I got another job on the same camp site, I decided it was time for a shift; I was going to put my money into personal development. Inspired by the journey of Russell Brand, and the words of Ellen DeGeneres, Howard Stern, and Jerry Seinfeld, the first thing I did was take the Transcendental Meditation training course. Seeing their personal growth showed me that I, too, was capable of change for the better, and I was ready to get started.

Personal Development

Meditation takes you on an inward journey to get in touch with the inner you. Years before, when I first took steps toward self development, I had tried both mindful and guided meditations with little success. Even though those other forms of meditation helped me understand that my thoughts were not who I was, they were still a limited tool for me. So I continued searching.

It was TM  that changed everything. When I started meditating for 20 minutes twice per day, I began to experience positive changes in my lifestyle; my view of myself transformed and my whole world along with it. Right away it felt like a heavy cloud was being lifted from in front of my eyes; my vision became clear; and I was able to start taking steps to actualize a life I had only previously dreamed of.

Small Practice, Big Changes

It’s been two years since I first learned TM, and from that woman I first described in her mid-twenties, lost after losing her job, I can say that I am a totally transformed person. I no longer look to others for approval; I live for me now. Rather than make excuses, I hold myself accountable. Happiness is a part of my daily life. On top of that, my perception of the world has changed dramatically and so have my relationships. I am now able to connect with others more easily, and them with me. Part of that is that I’m able to respond better in conversations because I am a more thoughtful and perceptive listener, and this is helping me succeed in all areas of my life. My past is no longer holding me back; my daily TM practice has allowed me to work through personal issues, in the ways I see myself, and how I let others affect my reality.

I think what I’ve heard about increased brain wave coherence with long term TM practice is true. I feel it, and others have seen it in me. I am not stressed like I used to be, especially about day to day things. I am better able to approach the tasks at hand with the clarity of mind that I can do what I need to do to make life happen.

Finding My Passion


Talk to any successful person, and they’ll tell you that setting achievable goals is an invaluable step for personal development. But before learning to meditate, I didn’t take time to refocus my goals. Like most young adults, I was living day by day. Now with my two daily meditations, I am constantly refocusing my needs and wants to create the reality I believe in.

I would recommend Transcendental Meditation to anyone looking to have a practice that feeds all aspects of their life. Along with my personal transformation, TM also helped me find my passion. I am now certified in Nutrition and Life Coaching because I love helping people find their health and their happiness. Stress is a major cause of disease in our modern world, so I’m always telling my clients to check out TM  to reduce their stress levels and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. I also teach people how to meal plan and understand that their nutritional needs are as unique as they are.

I specialize in plant-based nutrition with the option to add meat, so my programs empower people to make conscious choices, including how to go vegan. Learning how to feed the mind, body, and soul through Holistic Nutrition has changed all aspects of my life. My energy has improved, my skin is clear, and having better sleep alongside my daily TM practice has totally turned my life around. I want to inspire as many people as possible to take their health and happiness seriously. You don’t know how great the body can feel until you implement tools that empower you.

Meditation in a Modern World

Most people say they don’t have time to meditate. I personally know that TM actually gives me more time to get things done. Not only do I have more energy and am better able to handle stress, but I have a clear vision of what I want and the steps I need to take to make it happen.

One exercise I like to do, is to look around and see if I am surrounding myself with people who empower me or people who keep me on their level. I know that if I want to change my life, I have to change myself, and change comes from self love and personal development. Meditation takes you on an inward journey that will positively affect the world around you. I often suggest to my clients that if they take their happiness and health seriously, they should consider taking the TM training, and join a community of conscious people.

As for me, I’ve never looked back. The money I spent on TM has paid me in happiness 100 times more than the bank values it at.


You can find Teri-Ann at